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6 Questions You Need to Ask Your Child

I had been out of college for a year when I was referred to a job as an executive’s personal assistant. When I went to interview I was expecting it to take about an hour. However, as his personal assistant, I was going to be given open access to his whole life so he needed to know he could trust me. The time flew by, but at the end, it had been three hours and he knew everything about me. What amazed me was his ability to think of incisively good questions to ask and the spirit with which he did it. It was like he was a question artist. It never felt uncomfortable or invasive. His genuine interest and questions opened me up at a time when I was much more guarded.

Our kids are filled with a wealth of ideas, passions, views, and perceptions just waiting for someone to explore. It should be us, their moms, who blaze the first exploration. With genuine interest and the right questions, we can get them to open up their souls. Here are 6 good questions to ask your child.

1. What would you do if you were me?

If you want to get your kids talking more, give them a voice in your life. This builds trust and lets them know that you value their thoughts and opinions. Next time you have a situation or decision that requires some thought, ask for their opinion. Calling them to a higher level of thought is an exercise in wisdom. You don’t need to heed their advice, but just asking will honor them.

2. What do you think would make the world better?

First, you will get an idea of the things about the world they think are wrong. Be prepared, you may get a glimpse of some painful stuff that has happened to them you may not know. This is especially true if they start by eliminating something negative in the world. Second, it gives them a vision of the type of person they want to be. The follow-up question to this one is what do you think we can do to help make that happen?

3. What do you love most?

We all end up as servants to what we love the most, and sometimes we even become a slave to it. Career, drugs, family, sex, money, relationships, power, self, fame, God; whatever you love the most you will serve. Naturally, the follow-up question is, is that thing/person worthy of your service and devotion? What does it produce? This line of questioning will get them thinking about the consequences (good and bad) of where they invest their heart. What should we love the most?

4. If you could describe yourself in three words, which words would you choose?

This is a good way to get an idea about how they view themselves. You will learn where they find their identity. Pay attention to whether those words are positive or negative. Follow up this question with why did you choose those words?

5. How can I help you?

We can’t always assume we know what they want or need. It’s important to hear from them. Sometimes they know best what they need from us. What they need may even be a little space for them to explore, dare, and fail on their own.

6. Why do you think your father and I had kids?

The answer to this question is central to their origin and affects their sense of identity. The reason we had kids is to have someone to love. They were created in love. Their sense of identity is that they are loved. They need to know and understand that well or they will live with a hole in their lives.

Note: If you are looking to get your child’s father more involved in discussions like these, a great way to do it is by having them attend an All Pro Dad’s Day breakfast program. The groups generally meet once a month and it creates opportunities for dads and kids to connect. Find an All Pro Dads Day in your area or potentially look into starting one.

For more questions to ask your kids, try our Q & U app.

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